Be Kind

As a business owner, you only know when someone tells you.

I had two scenarios this week – 1st, I had a customer call me to tell me of a very unusual and stressful situation that a team of my interpreters showed up for. The customer called and said “Did your interpreters tell you what happened on the assignment last weekend?” I took a breath, hoping this wasn’t a complaint. We don’t often get complaints, but when we do – it’s a ‘put everything down and address this’ kind of call.

This was a complimentary call regarding the two men I had sent to her place of business and how they navigated graciously and professionally an unknown and stressful situation. I thanked the customer for taking the time to call. She replied ‘you only know when someone tells you’..

The next day I went to a local high end salon to treat myself to a facial. I explained to the technician, who had given me facials in the past, that I was having some sensitivity issues and dealing with stress hives. Hence, I wanted nothing harsh on my skin. She seemed a little taken aback and said “No problem. I know what to do and you’ll love it!” Within hours my skin turned red and I started to see swelling. By 3 am I had a full on reaction and my skin was on fire. After a trip to my dermatologist the next morning, I stopped before exiting my car and picked up my phone to call the salon. After explaining the situation to the receptionist and asking the owner to return my call, I went back to my office. Soon after the owner called me, obviously upset. She did everything but turn cartwheels to pacify me. I explained that I was not about to go to social media, or to spread the word her technician hadn’t listened to me – that I just wanted her to know.

I let her know that I, also, owned a business. ‘As a business owner, you only know when someone tells you’ I repeated, from my caller the day before. Good or bad, taking the time to tell a business owner of your experience is not only being gracious to them, it’s often the only way they know so that they can affirm or change something in their business. It’s being human. It’s not pouring your everyday events/emotions on the internet. It’s just plain kind.

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